Volunteer Application Form – August 11 & 12, 2023

    *Mississauga Italfest™ has a licensed VIP area, please specify which age category you fall under?

    *Do you have Smart Serve?

    *Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence for which a pardon has been granted?

    *What is your availability during the event? (Please check all that apply)

    Friday August 23, 2024

    Saturday August 24, 2024

    *Please note other availability not listed above:

    *T-Shirt Size

    *Have you volunteered for Mississauga Italfest before?

    *Do you have access to a vehicle?

    *Do you have a valid driver's license?

    *How many lbs. are you able to lift/carry?

    *If under 19 years old, my parents provide permission for me to volunteer with Mississauga Italfest during the specified dates and times.